Tear Trough Treatment
Looking ‘sunken’ and casting unflattering shadows under the eyes, this is often known as ‘dark circles’ and can give an impression of a weary, aged appearance.
Tear tough filler is a procedure that tackles and improves the under eye dark circles and reduces sagging skin.
We inject filler into the skin underneath the eyes to bring these depressions back from the depths, take away that tired look and lighten dark circles caused by the shadowing effect.
- Immediate results shown
- 10-minute procedure time
- Results last up to 9 months
Midlands price: £440
London price: £450
Tear Trough Filler
Tear Trough Hollows
Deep, dark hollows under the eyes can make you look dull and tired than ever before.
Bring back the energy into your eyes with Dermal Fillers.
Under-eye Bags
Feeling like your carrying the weight of all of your stresses under your eyes?
Get rid of your eye bags and feel better about the way you look with fillers.
Tired Looking Eyes
No matter how much sleep and rest that you get, you seem to look like you've had none.
Dermal filler injections can boost back the life into your eyes.
Ageing Eyes
As you age, you might start to notice the skin under your eyes start to sag and droop down.
Fillers will lift your skin leaving you with the youthful face you deserve.
Your Consultation – what to expect.
Initial Consultation
Your Treatment
Specialist Aftercare
Tear Trough Fillers Cost
All of our prices are reflective of the expertise & experience of our team. If you would like to discuss any of our treatments, please feel free to get in touch.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do tear trough fillers last?
Varying from patient to patient, in our experienced hands the results can last around 9 months – over 1 year.
What happens at my free consultation?
At your free consultation, we will take a medical history and discuss your areas of concern. Sometimes we may advise a combination of treatments to achieve the result you are looking for.
Do you offer aftercare?
Within two weeks after your treatment, we will invite you back for a check-up, just to make sure you’re comfortable and are having no problems.
How long does it take to recover?
You can appreciate instant results following treatment. However, from 7-10 days you will see the final result when swelling settles down.
Do fillers under eyes hurt?
It is said to be painful as skin under the eye is very delicate. However, it is done quickly and lasts a very long time, so the pain is bearable.
Is swelling normal after tear trough?
After procedure, you can notice the difference immediately and your skin will look revitalised naturally. Although, the full effect of the fillers won't be visible until 2-4 weeks after.
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