Complaint Procedure Summary
AL Aesthetics aims to provide all clients with the highest standards of care and customer service. If we fail to achieve this, we listen carefully and respond to complaints swiftly, acknowledging any mistakes and rectifying them so that we can make improvements to our service.
Clients are provided with a summary of AL Aesthetics complaints procedure summary (displayed in the clinic welcome room and on the website) when they first raise concerns about any aspect of the service they have received; the full policy is available upon request.
Responses at all stages are made quickly:
- A member of staff will telephone the client within 24 hours of us being made aware of the complaint.
- A full reply can be sent within 5 working days with a detailed written response sent within 20 working days.
- A letter will be sent to the client advising of any delays at a minimum every 20 working days.
Stage 1: Clinic Manager
Complaints should be raised directly with the Clinic Manager as soon as the matter first comes to the attention of the complainant and at least within 6 months. When a complaint is received via social media our aim is that the complainant is contacted by a member of personnel by phone within 2 hours and in the case of a written/verbal complaint, phone contact should be within 24 hours - with the aim of resolving the complaint at an early stage.
If unresolved, the client will be invited to attend a meeting with the Clinic Manager and other relevant parties to talk through their concerns. All meetings & telephone conversations should be documented and followed up in writing to the complainant.
The Clinic Manager will carry out an investigation into the case and respond directly to the complainant whether the complaint was made verbally, by letter, text or email. Reasonable assistance should be given to anyone needing help to make a complaint (such as a language barrier or a disability). Clients may escalate their complaint to the next stage within 6 months of the most recent correspondence.
Stage 2: Non- Surgical Patients and surgical patients who have not undergone a procedure: Company Director.
Clients who are dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint handling review at stage 1 can make a request in writing within 6 months to the Clinic Director.
Clinic Manager should also inform clients that it is their right to inform the following regulatory bodies:
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
England: 03000616161-
Independent Healthcare Sector Complaints Adjudicator Service (ISCAS)
Local Trading Standards Officer: Chartered Trading Standards Institute: