Anti-Wrinkle Treatment
Turn back the clocks on your skin using Botox injections at AL Aesthetics.
Botox Treatment
Anti-wrinkle treatment (Botox®) works by weakening the muscles to reduce lines and wrinkles on the forehead, frown lines and the face. In small doses, these injections are a very effective anti-ageing treatment.
We use anti-wrinkle injections to rejuvenate the skin and combat wrinkles, which strengthens the skin and smooths away lines and folds.
AL Aesthetics has over 27 years’ experience and has clinics offering Botox in Wolverhampton, Birmingham and London.
- 30min procedure time
- Results visible between 1-2 weeks
- Results last up to 4 months
Midlands Prices:
1 area: £180 / 2 areas: £280 / 3 areas: £320
London Prices:
1 area: £185 / 2 areas: £285 / 3 areas: £385
Botox Injectables
Frown Lines
Frown lines can be seen as vertical lines in between the eyebrows and are common in people who frown a lot or have been overexposed to the sun. To treat these lines, small injections are given in-between and along the brow.
Forehead Lines
Forehead wrinkles appear as horizontal lines on the forehead which are more prominent when you raise your eyebrows. This muscle contracts when we raise our eyebrows. We’ll give inject Botox into your forehead to erase them.
Crows Feet
Crow’s feet are found in the outer corner of the eyes. They appear more prominent when smiling or laughing. They occur as the skin becomes less elastic with age, combined with excessive sun exposure. Small injections at either side of the eyes are very effective in treating crow’s feet wrinkles.
Smokers Lines
Smoker’s lines appear around the mouth and above the top lip. They can occur in non-smokers but can appear more prominent for people that smoke. Injections placed around and above the top lip are all that is needed to reduce their appearance.
Marionette Lines
Being caused by natural collagen losses that occur with age, gravity also causes sagging skin around the chin, resulting in marionette lines being more detectable. Botox for lip lines can be injected into the corners of the mouth alleviating that "sad" appearance.
Bunny Lines
Bunny lines appear as wrinkles at the top and sides of the nose which can are visible when squinting or frowning. They are often caused by repeating certain facial expressions and can be successfully removed using Botox injections.
Drooped Brows
Botox can also be used to achieve a raised eyebrow. or “Chemical Brow Lift”. Carefully placed injections around the brow can raise the eyebrows by about 3 millimetres. This can open up the eyes and give a more youthful, "awake" appearance.
Neck Band
Neck bands also known as platysma band are the two lines of muscle that run vertically down the side of the neck. For some these can be highly visible when the platysma muscle contracts, with Botox we can soften the appearance of the bands.
Before and After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment
Your Consultation – what to expect.
Initial Consultation
Your Treatment
Specialist Aftercare
Botox Cost
All of our prices are reflective of the expertise & experience of our team. If you would like to discuss any of our treatments, please feel free to get in touch.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I see the results?
You will be able to notice results immediately after your treatment, however, the full effect of the product won't take effect until 10-14 days after.
What happens at my free consultation?
At your free consultation, we will take a medical history and discuss your areas of concern. Sometimes, we may advise a combination of treatments to achieve the result you are looking for.
Will there be any aftercare?
AL Aesthetics will advise you on any aftercare you'll need to do after your treatment. Within two weeks after your treatment, we will invite you back for a check-up, just to make sure you’re comfortable, are happy with the results and are having no problems.
How long do the results last?
On average, anti-wrinkle Injections last between 3-5 months. The length of time that the muscle does not move varies from person to person due to factors such as the area treated and frequency of injection. Depending on the area being injected and the amount, AL Aesthetics will advise you on when you'll need to book in a "top-up".
Are Botox injections safe?
Yes, the dose given for cosmetic purposes is very low and hundreds of patients are treated every year at AL Aesthetics. Our injectors are very experienced and have the qualifications to show that patients are in safe hands here.
Are there any side effects of wrinkle injections?
After procedure, you can notice the difference immediately and your skin will look revitalised naturally. Although, the full effect of the fillers won't be visible until 2-4 weeks after.
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